WI Wins

Wisconsin WinsThe Wisconsin Wins program is a science-based, state-level initiative designed to decrease youth access to tobacco products. The Wisconsin Wins program uses an effective mix of education and oversight to keep kids away from tobacco products by:

  • Conducting unannounced inspections at local tobacco retail outlets to track retailer compliance with Wisconsin’s tobacco sales laws.
  • Providing free training and educational resources that help retailers understand and comply with the law.
  • Engaging in community outreach and education to communicate the importance of preventing youth access to tobacco.

As long as Wisconsin’s youth continue to gain illegal access to tobacco products, Wisconsin Wins remains a crucial component of our state’s tobacco prevention and control efforts.

2023 Compliance Checks Results

Age Compliance Checks Noncompliance Rates: Marathon: 2014 20%; 2015 6%; 2016 13%; 2017 8%; 2018 9%; 2019 12%; 2020 No data; 2021 No data; 2022 9% 2023 0%;  Portage 2014 5%; 2015 6%; 2016 13%; 2017 18%; 2018 9%; 2019 16%; 2020  No data; 2021 No data; 2022 21%; 2023 17%;  Wood 2014 35%; 2015 27%; 2016 11%; 2017 11%; 2018 24%; 2019 7%; 2020 No data; 2021 No data; 2022 27%; 2023
To view full data for all of the state’s counties, please visit the Wisconsin Wins website.


  • Are you a retailer or clerk looking to make sure you don’t sell tobacco to youth? You can take the FREE online WITobaccoCheck.org. The SmokeCheck training will help you to understand Wisconsin’s tobacco laws to assure you are keeping tobacco out of the hands of youth.